Auto accidents occur every 60 second.
That’s a whopping 5.25 million crashes a year. Often we qualify the severity of a car accident by the damage we visibly see on a vehicle. Just think about it, traffic gets backed up on our interstates while passing cars assess the damage of a recent car accident.
We rarely think about the severity of damage that occurs to the persons involved in an accident unless we see an ambulance speeding by. But that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Individuals who are in especially severe car accidents will tell you almost instantly of the neck, head and back pain they encounter from the impact of an accident, and seek some sort of treatment almost immediately.
What’s more dangerous than these outright injuries and devastating accidents though, are the insidious misalignments and ligament damage that most people don’t give a thought to until weeks, months and years later when they experience loss of mobility and chronic pain from these incidents that we call “just fender benders”.
You see, your car doesn’t have to show life-changing damage for there to be internal life-changing injury, and while we can change cars and replace auto parts, we can’t exactly do the same with our bodies.
The impact of an auto effects your internal frame. Period. It doesn’t matter whether or not the car was declared totaled or insurance wasn’t even involved. You can’t get around the force your body underwent and the impact of your body’s self-correcting mechanisms.
What you can do, is measure the degree of injury your accident caused, definitively, and treat it effectively. All it takes is a little help from A Spinal Ligament Specialist— A specialist will be able to read specialized x-rays with expert precision to identify problems before they immobilize you andbegin to implode into life-long pain. Don’t wait for a small, treatable injury to make itself a part of your everyday life. It’s not just a fender bender.