Doctors Need To Understand Spinal Ligament Injury

Doctors Need To Understand Spinal Ligament Injury

Doctors need to understand spinal ligament injury. Why have a doctor treating you that does not understand the condition that you have or, even worse, may be missing your real injuries? Doctors who understand the spinal ligament injury know how to properly diagnose it...
Insurance Document Requirements For Spinal Ligament Injuries

Insurance Document Requirements For Spinal Ligament Injuries

The insurance industry is often made out to be the bad guy in the injury environment. In my experience this is usually not the case, even though they, too, have caused huge issues in this area. When it comes to your benefits, documentation is key! Who are the bad guys...
Spinal Ligament Injury Is The Most Significant Injury You Can Have

Spinal Ligament Injury Is The Most Significant Injury You Can Have

The biggest problem in the medical legal system with injuries and compensation was two-fold in nature: How to set up a standard system to determine if permanent body damage has occurred with an injury. How to objectively determine the effect that this injury would...
Too Few Doctors Know How To Diagnose Spinal Ligament Injuries

Too Few Doctors Know How To Diagnose Spinal Ligament Injuries

Too few doctors know how to diagnose spinal ligament injuries What is a diagnosis? Diagnosis is the identification of the nature of an illness or other problem by examination of the symptoms. The word nature here means a “phenomenon” of the physical world. Some this...
Low Back Pain From Gardening

Low Back Pain From Gardening

Low back pain from gardening is a problem that can impact anyone, but it does not have to limit your enjoyment. Can you think of a sport that anyone can play, that does not take moves that are practiced repetitively until perfected, or even previously played before...
Auto Accidents and Injury Recovery

Auto Accidents and Injury Recovery

Auto accidents occur every 60 second. That’s a whopping 5.25 million crashes a year. Often we qualify the severity of a car accident by the damage we visibly see on a vehicle. Just think about it, traffic gets backed up on our interstates while passing cars assess the...
Migraine Defense to Offense

Migraine Defense to Offense

Migraines find an involuntary off-switch when they creep into their victims’ lives. 25 million Americans will search to find a remedy to their migraine affliction this year, and pray to take back control of their on and off switch. While there is much debate out there...
Are You Getting Ripped Off?

Are You Getting Ripped Off?

Did you know that chronic pain has become a multi billion dollar industry? $60 Billion, to be exact– in the US alone. The medical and pharmaceutical fields are taking home a big fat pay check thanks to your agonizing pain and sleepless nights. But how are you feeling?...
You’ll Leave Feeling Good

You’ll Leave Feeling Good

We all know that work environment matters – an established office culture of purpose and respect is fuel for success. The same is true when it comes to where you choose to improve your health. The setting of your doctor’s office sets the tone for your rehabilitation....
Introducing The Echronia Laser

Introducing The Echronia Laser

Do you remember the lasers in those old sci-fi films that would magically heal wounds and get the galactic warrior back out on the battlefield? Well, we may not work on a starship, and we may not be preparing our patients for the next “Star Wars” but those space-age...